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Why is everyone so hyped about Quicken Home and Business?

emilygriffin emilygriffin

Дата последнего входа: 10 месяцев назад
Дата регистрации: 15.06.2023 11:59:58
Страницы: 1
Why is everyone so hyped about Quicken Home and Business?, Why is everyone so hyped about Quicken Home and Business?

Intuit came up with an interesting product, carrying the name Quicken Home and Business . As the name suggests, the application offers a great balance between functionalities for households and businesses. Some features of this version boasts of include:

  • Ample options for creating financial reports;

  • Option to handle accounting for home and business;

  • Excellent customer support and a user-friendly application.

Even though the application has a steep learning curve, and is not that robust for large businesses, it deserves its hype. Coming out at a time when small businesses are on high, this version has a great balance for both.

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